(en) Produktbeschreibung mit Bildern

universal version for integrated motor homes

Sun protection mat SCREEN universal

This innovative HINDERMANN sun protection mat SCREEN universal with its specially woven, open-pored surface provides ideal protection against sunlight and unwanted views, but allows you to look out from within.

Sun protection mat SCREEN universal Sonnenschutzmatte SCREEN für Wohnmobile | HINDERMANN
Sun protection mat SCREEN universal Sonnenschutzmatte SCREEN für Wohnmobile | HINDERMANN

(en) freier Ausblick

Unobstructed view to the outside Sonnenschutzmatte SCREEN für Wohnmobile | HINDERMANN

everything in sight

Unobstructed view to the outside

This thermal protection guarantees more privacy by blocking unwanted views in, while allowing an unobstructed view to the outside.

(en) Abspannlaschen

protects paintwork as well

Lashing flap

There are four lashing flaps with plastic eyelets along the bottom edge. They provide additional protection against friction on paint.

Lashing flap Sonnenschutzmatte SCREEN für Wohnmobile | HINDERMANN

(en) Gummizug

Elastic cords Sonnenschutzmatte SCREEN für Wohnmobile | HINDERMANN

attached quickly

Elastic cords

Simply attach the hooks and you’re done: A rubber tensioner is built in along the top edge of the thermal protection mat. To attach mat, lay it over the rear-view mirror and hook it into the eyelets of the side lashing cords.

(en) Vorteile

everything at a glance


From outside:

  • sun protection
  • privacy


From inside:

  • unobstructed view, better privacy
  • reduces heat and improves the room climate
Advantages Sonnenschutzmatte SCREEN für Wohnmobile | HINDERMANN

(en) LOXX-Druckknöpfe

clever alternative

LOXX press studs

In vehicles without rear-view mirrors situated at the top, the rubber tensioner’s locking hooks can be attached to the LOXX snap fasteners. To do this, glue (or screw) the bottom fastener parts to the vehicle. To attach without tensioners, mount the upper snap fastener parts onto the sun protection mat.

LOXX press studs
LOXX press studs Sonnenschutzmatte SCREEN für Wohnmobile | HINDERMANN

(en) Artikeltabelle Sonnenschutzmatte

HINDERMANN Sun protection mat SCREEN universal
universal version for integrated motor homes
descriptionmaterialitem no.
universal size for integrated motorhome ­ approx. 2,47 x 1,30 mlight gray screen8529-8384
universal size for integrated motorhome ­ approx. 2.67 x 1.30 mlight gray screen8530-8384

(En) 8529-8384

(En) 8530-8384

(en) Artikeltabelle LOXX

Replacement set
contentitem no.
included in delivery:
5 LOXX press studs,
8 rubber tensioners,
230 cm of Velcro tape
1 pack / 2 press studs8951-0000

(en) 8950-0000

(en) 8951-0000

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