(en) Produktbeschreibung mit Bildern

secure is secure

Fastening belts

Fastening belts for protective covers or roof tarpaulins are the means of choice when winterproofing RVs and motorhomes at the end of the season. Various sets of belts in different lengths with hooks or side-squeeze buckles are available.

Fastening belts Befestigungsgurte für Wohnmobile, Vans, Wohnwagen | HINDERMANN
Fastening belts Befestigungsgurte für Wohnmobile, Vans, Wohnwagen | HINDERMANN

(en) Gurte beidseitigen Haken

Straps with hooks at both ends Befestigungsgurte für Wohnmobile, Vans, Wohnwagen | HINDERMANN

easy handling

Straps with hooks at both ends

Straps with hooks at both ends for attaching to the eyelets of the warning sign's transparent pocket.

Two length-adjustable straps, one for horizontal and one for vertical fastening.

Item no. 8950-2350

(en) Gurte Schnapphaken


Straps with side-squeeze buckles

Straps with side-squeeze buckles for all-round attaching are length-adjustable and not attached to the transparent pocket, making them universal and versatile.

Item no. 8949-2350


Straps with side-squeeze buckles Befestigungsgurte für Wohnmobile, Vans, Wohnwagen | HINDERMANN

(en) Artikeltabelle

HINDERMANN fastening belts
contentitem no.
4 cross belts (240 cm)
for front and rear area
4 under belts (380 cm)
for the area beneath the vehicle of WINTERTIME covers
6 belts (3 cm wide, approx. 800 cm long)
side-squeeze buckles included
for WINTERTIME roof tarpaulins
not suitable for TYVEK® roof tarpaulins

(en) 7097-0000

(en) 7098-0000

(en) Artikeltabelle für Fahrradschutzhüllen

Straps with hooks at both ends for handing
accessory for bicycle protection covers
contentitem no.
Set = two straps8950-2350

(en) 8950-2350

(en) Artikeltabelle für Fahrradschutzhüllen

Belts with side-squeeze buckles for handing
accessory for bicycle protection covers
contentitem no.
Set = two straps8949-2350

(en) 8949-2350

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