(fr) Impressum

Mentions légales

Industriestraße 6
D-33129 Delbrück

Tél. : +49 (0) 5250 / 9857-0
Email: info@hindermann.de
Web: www.hindermann.de

Managing partners
Dipl.-Kfm.(FH) Tobias Hindermann, business graduate MBA, with power of sole representation

Seat of the company
33129 Delbrück, Germany

Place of jurisdiction and fulfillment
33129 Delbrück, Germany

Hindermann GmbH & Co. KG
HRA 4085, Amtsgericht Paderborn, GERMANY
VAT ID N ° DE126319279
St.-Nr.: 339/5728/0383

General partners: Hindermann Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
HRB 6436, Amtsgericht Paderborn, Germany
Responsible for the content acc. to § 10 sub-paragraph 3 MDStV: Tobias Hindermann

(fr) Haftungsausschluss


This Internet site has been compiled with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, no liability can be assumed that the information contained is 100 percent correct or free of error. Any liability for damages arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded. If reference is made on this website to Internet sites operated by third parties, Hindermann GmbH & Co. KG will not accept any responsibility for their content.

(fr) Nutzungsrechte

Rights of use

Hindermann GmbH & Co. KG aims to provide you with an innovative and informative website. The intellectual property that it contains is protected. This website provides no license for the use of intellectual property. This website is hosted by Hindermann GmbH & Co. KG. The company is legally represented by managing partner Tobias Hindermann.

(fr) Urheberrechte


The text, images, graphics, and their arrangement on the website are all subject to copyright and other intellectual property protection. These objects may not be copied, distributed, used, modified or reposted to other sites.

(fr) Markenzeichen und markenrechtlicher Schutz

Trademarks and trademark protection

Unless stated otherwise, all trademarks on this website are subject to trademark rights and thus protected, including brands, model names, logos and emblems; especially for the following:

Hindermann ®
schützen, um Werte zu erhalten ®

® is a registered trademark of Hindermann GmbH & Co. KG

DuPont ™
Tyvek ®

™ and ® is a registered trademark of DuPont and/or one of its affiliates

(fr) Bildnachweise

Photo credits

Downloading the images for any use beyond private use as well as further publication, retransmission, reproduction or other use of the images is prohibited.